Sunday, August 27, 2006

Levees might not hold in another big storm this year

Whereiin that's the headline in the Times-Picayune

Author and New Orleans resident Poppy Z. Brite writes:
I hope everyone understands why I have no intention of evacuating again. After having spent weeks shut out of my city due to bureaucracy and multiple system failures, I consider the matter closed to discussion. Leaving last year was the worst, most irresponsible decision I ever made, and I regret it more than anything else I've ever done in my life. Unfortunately, staying would have been an equally bad decision, because we weren't prepared for the aftermath. This time, we will be. In the event of another system breakdown, we are prepared to feed, water, and defend ourselves for several weeks.

She'll also have an op-ed article in the Boston Globe. Look for it Monday or Tuesday:
I've got 750 words to convince Boston readers that New Orleans is worth saving, that we remain a vibrant city but that we still need a lot of help. 750 words is nothing at all. Economy has never been one of my strong suits.


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