Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sharing unusual distinctions

Wherein no need to study literature when an eclectic CD collection was just as helpful

1. Bundy...probably looking for a more complete answer.
2. Pudding pops -- Theo was the clue.
3. That Robert Altman film, Short Cuts, I think.
4. The guy who became a quarterbacks for the Rams. Kurt Warner.
5. Qatar?
6. Was going to guess ostrich, then remembered the title to this excellent Trailer Bride CD. Turned out to be the correct answer.
7. I've lost interest in the #7s. I'm working on a trivia question that, if I get it to work, will be as annoying as any Ken Jennings trivia question. By working, I mean I've thought of it for a few minutes and have two working parts. I'd like to have at least 3 more for a proper question and this will require some work.

Later...after not much work...one short, but I'll go with it: What unusual distinction is shared by these four movies? Annie Hall, Funny Lady, Guys and Dolls, Tender Mercies


Blogger justkim said...

What unusual distinction is shared by these four movies? Annie Hall, Funny Lady, Guys and Dolls, Tender Mercies?

They all feature singing by leading men not known for their singing abilities. (I love Brando as Sky Masterson.)

11/06/2007 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger bill said...

You are heading in the right direction, but you still have a long way to get there.

11/06/2007 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger XWL said...

#3 is Million Dollar Baby, more likely. Short Cuts is just a bunch of Random Raymond Carver short stories (most of the stories came from What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, I think)

#4 I would have guessed Ashton Kutcher, but I think you might be right-er.

#7 They all love their Maker's Mark. (OK, that's not that unusual, who doesn't love Maker's Mark?)

11/06/2007 03:22:00 PM  

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