Friday, March 21, 2008

Ends and odds

Wherein in lieu of actual content

Tosy and Cosh post about the health benefits of Buffalo Wings. I've contributed an idea for a recipe I have not tried.

ALOTT5MA prints my review of the Bob Mould concert. It's a big ball of "eh." I usually enjoy things I write at 2am, but apparently I wasn't tired enough when I wrote this.

In an old post of mine, was left this recent comment: Your reviews are hilarious, I'm truly inspired. Not so sure about Nixon being the greatest U.S. president. I said that?
34. "All the President's Men,". The venal, self-important story of the Washington Post's tragic pursuit of our country's greatest president is not inspiring. Nor is the fact that this story is responsible for making reporters thinks they're more important than the story.

I guess I did. Speaking of Nixon...


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