Friday, February 20, 2009

Short quote: Garbo

Wherein I do have a cell phone though half the time I can't find it the rest of the time it's rarely on and practically no one has the number

Because I have acquaintances* (not friends), barely talk to anyone I'm related to, and have almost no interest in strangers. That's why I'm not on Facebook. For me, the words "social" and "networking" are like shoving a cross made out of garlic in the face of a vampire:
True, you might not want people to be able to follow your lifeā€”it's no great loss to you if your long-lost college frenemy can't find you. But what about your old fling, your new fling, your next employer, or that friend-of-a-friend you just met at a party who says he can give you some great tips on your golf swing? Sure, you can trade e-mail addresses or phone numbers, but in many circles Facebook is now the expected way to make these connections. By being on Facebook, you're facilitating such ties; without it, you're missing them and making life difficult for those who went looking for you there.

I consider this a good thing: "...making life difficult for those who went looking for you..." I'm not an unfriendly person, I'm just trying to lead an uncluttered life.

*Not to disparage the few people I've met through this experiment of a blog; some of whom I'm sure would breach the acquaintance wall. Or at least I'd have a very enjoyable time hanging out with. But seriously, other than a Christmas card I've had no contact with my closest friend for about two years.


Blogger Icepick said...

Not to disparage the few people I've met through this experiment of a blog; some of whom I'm sure would breach the acquaintance wall.

I did not feel disparaged by the comment. I'm not quite as uncluttered as you are, but I just saw my best friend (after the missus of course) for the first time in about two years on Saturday. Since it turns out we're both part of the unwashed jobless we'll probably be spending more time together going forward, but that will be the exception instead of the rule since we left high school all those years ago.

2/23/2009 05:09:00 PM  
Blogger bill said...

Make no mistake, I am still plenty cluttered.

2/23/2009 05:46:00 PM  

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